I'm approaching 6 months, in just a couple weeks... a whole half a year old! I feel so wise and experienced. At half a year old, I love grabbing everything within my reach, and putting whatever's in my grasp into my mouth. Drool is always in excess, and it feels so good to bite down on my fingers. I'm exploring my vocal chords, I'm making strange with almost everyone but my parents, and I cry the minute I can't see my mommy. I love going for walks because I get to people-watch; even strangers smile at me and tell me I'm a cutie! I study people eating and drinking, and I'm pretty sure I'm ready to take that on. I'm captivated by the TV, and although I'm not allowed to watch it, I can be quite sneaky and find ways to watch it. When I'm strapped into my carseat or stroller I try so hard to sit forward by stretching my arms and legs in front of me and pulling my head forward. It never works. And even though I'm still bothered by heartburn at night, I'm sleeping about 10 hours. I'm getting better at napping, and I no longer have to be rocked to sleep. I still love to give kisses, and since I'm getting much more coordinated and stronger with my grip, my mommy and daddy are at my slobbery mercy! The past 6 months have been soooo great; I can't wait for the next 6!
Very cute little boy
nice comment monte! nate! i'll miss you when i'm gone! i can't wait to see how many teeth you have by the time i get back. don't grow up too much!
Hey I just wrote that to prove that if I left a comment that it would still be there, unlike the phantom commenter who says there are comments and yet nothing shows up.
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