Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Today is boxing day, and I'm at my Grandpa & Grandma Horban's house to celebrate Christmas with my cousins Avri, Danae and Marea and their mom and dad. We've been celebrating Christmas for days, and I can't think of anything better! Christmas Eve morning I woke up and opened my presents from my mom and dad. I got a Thomas train set which I thought was the absolute greatest! Then our friends Sean & Wix came over for brunch and they also gave me a Thomas train set which added onto the other set to make a giant train track! I was in heaven!! It also snowed for about 12 hours straight that day, so I was also super excited about the snow. So we decided to forego the Christmas Eve service we were hoping to attend and drove out to my grandma and grandpa's house early, that evening. Christmas morning we woke up and guess what... We opened MORE presents! Crazy. More books, clothes, a Thomas train and a Little People garage. I was so excited and a little overwhelmed.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Celebrating the Christmas Season!

We officially kicked off the Christmas season with the Baerg family Christmas celebration yesterday. I spent the whole day playing with all my Baerg cousins; we had a blast! Opening presents, playing with new toys, eating great food! There's nothing like Christmas. However, just like last year, my Christmas experience is slightly hampered by teething. My two-year molars are cutting through, and this past week has been the worst! We finally visited the doctor this morning and found out that my emerging molars have caused fluid build up in my ear, making it really uncomfortable to chew and sometimes even making me sick to my stomach. So for the past week I've basically felt like I've had the flu. The doctor put me on Benadryl and Tylenol and while I still don't feel like eating much, I'm definitely more myself. On the plus side, getting sick often means watching lots of TV in my house. We even watched the Polar Express together tonight! For those of you who don't know, I have a slight obsession with trains.

It's been snowing a lot here the past few days. My mom and I got all bundled up for the first snowfall and went for a walk. I could've been out in the snow for hours! I love snow, and when I see it I yell "NOOO!" (my 'S's are still a work in progress). I also get very enthusiastic about Christmas lights. I let out lots of ooooh's and aaaaah's and wow's as we drive around neighborhoods at night. Christmas is so bright and sparkly!