Friday, November 30, 2007

My Dedication

On Sunday I was dedicated. Lots of people close to my mom and dad and I came to see me get dedicated... it was really cool. I had no idea how many friends I have! Well, I wasn't feeling well from an awful cold, so I was a little fussy, and not my usual charming self. I did dress up for the occasion - a snazzy new shirt and tie! I was quite handsome. Rita Lihaven did the dedication. She's such a nice lady but I just wanted to be snuggled up with mommy, so I only spent a short time in Mrs. Lihaven's arms. She's a good friend of my grandparents, and my mommy and daddy have known her for years. I'm so excited that I'm dedicated now! My parents tell me that it means they promise to teach me about God, and how much He loves me and how much I can love Him back in everything I say and do (I hope He likes snuggles as much as I do).

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