Monday, January 4, 2010


It's 2010, and I'm not big on making a bunch of resolutions. However I can't help but think of a few things I'd like to do differently this year. Like a lot of people, I'd like to lose a few pounds - mostly just baby weight I've put on with my two pregnancies. I'm also really excited about getting outside a lot more when the weather gets a little warmer. Now that we have two boys, I'm going to have to find more ways to exert the endless energy out of my little guys. Lots of walks, playground playtime, and just spending time in our backyard now that we have a fence. This is something I'm not used to; having grown up with two sisters I remember my childhood as playing barbies, playing house and doing a lot of quiet indoor activities. I'll have to dig deep to find my "inner boy." I also want to get into my Bible more, and use it as an avenue for a deeper prayer life. I recently started going to the women's bible study on Wednesday mornings at my church, doing a Beth Moore study and as hard as it was to get somewhere so early in the morning with two kids, I've really loved how the effects of the study have spilled over into many aspects of my life. I'm looking forward to more of that this coming year. And lastly, I'd like to blog more. I often wish I had jotted down my thoughts or the happenings in our lives more frequently, since I don't journal or do baby books for the boys. So hopefully I'll stay on top of blogging and enjoy it, even if it's just for our family's sake.

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