Sunday, February 15, 2009

Birthday Bashes!

Happy Birthday to me! It was my second birthday on Friday, and we had a busy time celebrating this weekend. The first celebration was a little surprise party at my friend Tydin's house Friday morning. We have a regular playdate, so I wasn't suspecting anything out of the ordinary... But there was an Elmo cake for me and a Pin the Nose on Elmo game for all of us kids! It was so much fun. But, just like my first birthday, I was not interested in sampling the cake.

The next party was at my Grandpa and Grandma Horban's that night. We got together with the whole family, as well as Sean & Wix, and enjoyed dinner together. Then we opened gifts - some clothes including a few Canucks shirts, a few items for my future 'big kid' room, a Harvey train for my Thomas train set, lots of books, mega bloks and play food. My mom made me a birthday trifle for dessert, knowing that I'd be hesitant to eat cake and hoped that a little fruit (my favourite!) in the dessert would entice me. It didn't work. I did however enjoy being sung to, and loved blowing out the candles.

And then we celebrated again the next morning at my Grandpa and Grandma Baerg's with a brunch. My Uncle Pat, Auntie Les and cousins Cooper and Mackenzie also came... I have a BLAST with my cousins! Having just turned two, I felt I was big enough to participate in the usual tackling and wrestling the boys enjoy. Lots of fun! I also opened presents there, too - an electronic reader, a hoodie, a Cars book and lunchbox, and some Hot Wheels! We then enjoyed Thomas cupcakes, which I actually tried! My parents were thrilled.

1 comment:

The G Fam said...

Time goes fast! Can't believe that you guys already have a 2 year old. Good luck with the Terrific Twos!