Ever since Christmas when I had that awful ear fluid build-up from teething, I just haven't been able to sleep properly. It's been a headache for both me and my parents! Two months is a long time to be overtired, and we were all about to pull our hair out. We think my sleep troubles began once I was taken off the medicine I was originally put on to get rid of the fluid, and because the medicine relaxed me so much I began to rely on it to put me to sleep. I couldn't rest properly without a shot of that wonderful Benadryl! Well, my parents had a revelation last week and they put me down for two naps in one day. The secret to curing an overtired toddler is extra sleep, and while the early bedtime they had previously attempted just wasn't quite enough for me, the double nap did the trick! Within a couple days of catching up on my sleep, I went back to my regular routine! We're all a happier bunch now. Next up on the slumber horizon: toddler bed!