Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Night Owl

There's not a lot of sleep happening at my house these days. I've been keeping my parents up at night for the last couple weeks. I recently cut my eye-teeth, and then I came down with a cold, and I think I'm going through another growth spurt cause I just can't get enough to eat, but then I get heartburn and indigestion when I go to bed. So the Baerg household is a little irritable and overtired lately. (Speaking of my growth, at 17 months old I'm currently creeping up on 30 lbs and I'm 33 inches tall).

Despite our sleepy woes, I've been enjoying all the summer fruit I can get my hands on! Nectarines, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, mangoes, and best of all... watermelon. I LOVE watermelon! I am addicted to it, and I have the pink-stained bib to prove it. Another joy of summer is the kiddie pool! My friend Annah has invited me over to enjoy her pool a couple of times and although I'm very hesitant to get in at first, I love it once I get used to the water.