Thursday, March 29, 2007


So on Tuesday I turned 6 weeks old! And my 6 week birthday marked the passing of a very important milestone for me... I showcased my fabulous smile for the first time. And ever since my parents have been hovering over me, making crazy faces and funny noises in hopes that I'll smile again. I string them along for as long as possible just to see them act funny. Here's a picture of my handsome little smile, plus a few others of me just being cute...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Just Photos

A Few Words from Nate

Nathan has asked that from now on I post messages directly from him to keep his blog as personal as possible. So here are a few words from Nate...

Hi guys, I'm Nathan. You can call me Nate if you'd like. I was born on February 13, 2007 at 8:52pm. I weighed 7 lbs and was 21 inches long at birth (I'm way bigger now, by the way). Here's a picture of me and my mom and dad just after I was born. We were all really tired. I'm pretty cute, hey?

So let me tell you a little more about myself. My favourite pastimes are sleeping (with extra cuddles, of course) and eating. And I love taking naps with daddy on the couch. I don't like bath time and I really don't like having my diaper changed. Except when I can surprise my parents with a special "improptu poop" at the most opportune time, when I'm diaperless and my mommy or daddy are directly in the line of fire. It's pretty funny.

I'm in the middle of reading a really good book titled Little Panda. I've only looked at the cover, but the black and white panda on the front has me hooked! And my favourite toy is a basketball my cousins, Mackenzie and Cooper, bought me. I can't wait to show them my slam dunk!

My trademark is my goat giggle. If you don't know what a goat giggle is, just think of a giggling goat. I'm really just stretching and stuff, but my family seems to think it's a big deal and gets a good laugh out of it. They're such weirdos!

Well, that's about all I have to say about myself cause I'm not even six weeks old yet. I'll continue to have my mom blog for me as I do more cool stuff. Later!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Nathan's Very First Post

Welcome to Nathan's blog! He doesn't have much to write at this point, but thought this would be a great place to post pictures of himself for all his friends and family to enjoy. After all, he is quite the cutie! Visit often for updated photos, cause this little guy is already growing up too fast. Here are the first of many pictures to come...
(these are all from Nate's first week)